Who We Are
Paramashiva is a center for the study of soul knowledge & healing.
We are a spiritual retreat center, ashram, power spot, yoga science center, and soul hospital – an ideal place for spiritual learning, personal growth, soul healing and awakening, and total transformation.
Our Mission
Paramashiva was founded to share the healing and enlightement process found in the ancient palm leaf manuscripts revealed by Sri Kaleshwar. Our mission is to create a soul hospital and power spot where angel energy flows- a place where people can come to find true soul healing. Our purpose is to help others on their spiritual path to learn and explore the capacities of their soul.
Our Founders
Ramakrishna is an inspiring spiritual teacher, who for over twenty-five years has dedicated his life to the spiritual path. In 1987 Ramakrishna entered the spiritual path when his step-father Don Miguel Ruiz (best-selling author of ‘The Four Agreements’) took him as an apprentice at the age of 17.
Ten years later, with Don Miguel’s blessing, he moved to India to live and study with a supernatural Indian saint named Swami Kaleshwar. As one of his senior-most students, Sri Kaleshwar asked him to return to the West to share everything he had learned from him and to create a power spot where people could come for soul healing.
Sri Kaleshwar’s life mission was to release the top ancient knowledge that has been alive for thousands of years but kept hidden, being passed to only one or perhaps two students through a continuous lineage. Sri Kaleshwar said we are now entering the darkest part of the darkest age of humanity and that this needed knowledge belongs to humanity as a whole, not a select few.
Through sharing what he has learned Ramakrishna's ambition is the same as Sri Kaleshwar's: To spread this knowledge to help the world and to create spiritual masters, not students.
Bhramari is the co-founder of the Paramashiva Healing Center. Her spiritual journey began over 15 years ago when she first asked the eternal questions: Why am I here? What's my purpose? Those questions led her to Transcendental Meditation, Kundalini Yoga and then to the mystical study of Kabbalah, and finally to the Paramashiva power channels.
She now works with Ramakrishna to bring this knowledge to the world through speaking engagements, retreats, and power journeys to India. She offers meditation instruction, spiritual counseling and healings by appointment.
The Divine Lineage is a living lineage of spiritual masters including Sri Kaleshwar, Shirdi Sai Baba, Jesus Christ, Mother Mary, Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, Sarada Devi, Ramana Maharshi, and Babaji. The early humans on this planet were a wonderous and perfect expression of humanity’s divine nature. These great saints dedicated their lives to connecting and merging with God and saw all beings as an expression and embodiment of God-consciousness. Through advanced yogic processes, they learned the secrets of the Divine Mother’s creation and how to operate the soul which is how miracles are possible. This knowledge was first passed down orally and later written down in palm-leaf manuscripts to protect and preserve it.
The mission of this Divine Lineage is the same mission the saints have had over the millennia— to awaken humanity to its true potential. Sri Kaleshwar brought the Divine Mother’s palm leaf knowledge to the West to help awaken it at this critical time. Ramakrishna was one of Sri Kaleshwar’s senior-most students who lived his life at the feet of this great saint. His and Bhramari’s dharma is to bring these ancient and powerful practices to the West and to continue the mission of this incredible lineage.
Our Lineage
Sri Kaleshwar
Sri Sai Kaleshwar Swami is a modern spiritual master in the lineage of Shirdi Sai Baba, Jesus Christ, Mother Mary, Babaji, Ramakrishna Paramahamsa and Ramana Maharshi. In 1998, Sri Kaleshwar received permission from the Divine Court of spiritual masters, including Shirdi Baba, Jesus, and Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, to teach Western students this knowledge.
Sri Kaleshwar said now is the time to make the ancient knowledge readily available to help heal the world’s suffering and transform the way spirituality is practiced on the planet
Enlightened as a boy, his mission was to reveal the ancient knowledge of the palm leaf manuscripts that up until then had been kept secret. The palm leaf manuscripts contained the mysteries of Creation, such as the mechanics of miracles and healing, how to create divine children, and numerous ways to achieve direct experiences with the divine. They contain sacred formulas that when correctly practiced awaken the incredible capability hidden within each soul.
“Every soul has the potential to reach the level of a Shirdi Baba or Jesus and contribute amazing things to the world.” Sri Kaleshwar
Shirdi Baba
Shirdi Sai Baba (circa 1830 – 1918) is one of India’s greatest and most beloved saints, a beloved grandfather of all people, and the grandfather of our lineage. He is an incarnation of Shiva and a Dattatreya avatar, as well as Sri Kaleshwar’s guru. Heis revered in India as Yogi Raja, the King of Yogis. Baba possessed the highest supernatural miracle capabilities.
Though he could have lived like royalty, Baba spent his entire life as a mendicant, begging alms in the tiny village of Shirdi. Over time he came to receive millions of rupees from his devotees, but always gave everything away to the poor.
Much of Baba’s time was spent sitting in front of his dhuni, sacred fire, taking on, transforming, and releasing the pain and suffering of the world. Baba answered people’s prayers for help in all situations in their lives, as he does today. He performed countless miracles during the course of his lifetime including giving sight to the blind, healing the incurably sick, rescuing devotees from dangerous situations, changing water into oil, appearing in different places at once, and also dying and coming back to life after three days. Countless miracles are still attributed to him to this day.